数学 & 科学
本课程涵盖了一系列的主题. 在第一学期, 学生评价和写表达, 学习数学属性, 回顾整数, 探索合理的, 求解线性方程和不等式, 以多项式结束. Additionally, they work with ratios, proportions, and percent. Second semester starts with graphing linear equations, slope, and solving systems of equations. 学生们继续研究不平等问题, learn about radical expressions and The Pythagorean Theorem, 理解关系和函数, 最后是二次公式.
This discipline complements and expands the mathematical content and concepts of 代数1 and 几何. Students gain experience with algebraic solutions of problems in various content areas, including the solution of systems of quadratic equations, 对数和指数函数, 二项式定理, 和复数系统. The course addresses the solving of equations and inequalities, 多项式运算, 理性的表达, 功能, 对数, 序列, 二项式表达式, coordinate 几何; matrices, 概率, 统计数据, 和三角. The course provides a balance between essential 代数2 skills, 相关的概念, 以及解决问题的能力.
This elective class is designed to prepare students for future practical situations as they relate to business and financial success. 这些技能将在实践中教授, 可识别的方式, using real world situations to create interest and importance on the part of the student. Students will engage in projects related to personal finance, 就业, 毕业后的生活安排, 处理信用, 投资, 退休, 研究小企业和公司业务, 建立业务, and making monetary and mathematical decisions that affect lifestyle.
The main purpose of the 几何 curriculum is to develop geometric skills and concepts and the ability to construct formal logical arguments and proofs in a geometric setting. Skills in these areas build areas of strength in many different fields – structural analysis and architecture, 平面设计, 数学工程, 计算机工程, 等. The program follows the California 数学 Framework for public schools, 使用文本, 基于智能板技术的设计, and real world experiences as resources to achieve those standards.
在代数入门中, students take the basic arithmetic skills they have learned and transition to the more abstract concept of applying those skills symbolically. Basic operations from previous math classes are now applied to more complex problems that become the basis for our increasingly technology-hungry society. Students in the 代数入门 class spend time solidifying the basics of what they have learned in order to understand these higher level expressions with the expectation of mastery in 代数1. The program follows the California 数学 Framework for public schools, 使用文本, 基于智能板技术的课程, and real world experiences as resources to achieve those standards.
有关微积分的知识 includes the study of relations and 功能, 指数函数和对数函数, 三角学中的三角形, 三角函数, 三角恒等式和方程, 极坐标. 学生学习实数, 多项式, 理性的, 指数, 对数, 三角函数和图形, 还有解析三角. Students refine mathematical problem-solving abilities, 培养逻辑推理能力, and analyze real world problems using mathematical models. Topics include understanding 功能 from symbolic, 表格, 图形视角, 变换和函数组合, 多项式函数, 有理多项式函数, 三角函数, 和二次曲线. Concepts and problems are approached geometrically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. The course emphasizes a multi-representational approach to mathematics.
The major emphasis of this course is to provide students with the knowledge of the Earth system, the formation of the solar system and its place within the Milky Way Galaxy. This includes but is not limited to celestial bodies in the solar system as well as beyond, 宇宙探索, and new ideas and theories postulating the formation of our Universe. Students will learn basic as well as advanced 天文学 concepts through hands-on, 多模式计算机资源.
这是对生命科学的深入研究. Students learn the principles of cellular biology, including respiration and photosynthesis followed by instruction in molecular and Mendelian genetics. Population genetics and evolution follow naturally from the study of genetics and lead to a discussion of diversity of form and physiology. The teaching culminates with ecology, a subject that draws on each of the preceding topics. Emphasis is investigation, analysis, and critical thinking of content through labs and research. Students perform dissections and work with microscopes and slides. Students learn to appreciate the complex designs of living organisms and their 功能 through readings, 讨论, 实验室的经验, 和调查. They develop investigative and research skills and present findings in a sequential and organized manner.
Students learn the macroscopic properties of matter and the microscopic properties of matter’s constituent particles. They practice high-level problem-solving skills, such as conducting experiments and solving word problems. They master new vocabulary, including the rules for naming simple compounds and ions. Students discover chemistry’s power to explain the nature of matter and its transformations when they study the periodic table of the elements. 他们通过有机和生物化学进行进展, covering a broad range of topics including atomic structure and interaction, 离子和共价化合物, 碳和有机化合物, 化学计量学, 气体和液体, 溶液,酸和碱.
Students of the earth sciences gain an understanding of the physical and chemical processes that formed Earth and continue to operate on this planet. They will also learn more about the geologic factors that help to make California special. Topics covered include geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science. Models and labs provide students hands-on experiences to understand key concepts.
在这门实验科学课程中, 学生涵盖运动的研究, 部队, 能源, 热, 波, 光, 电, 和磁. Students focus on the development of models and scientific inquiry to describe natural phenomena, 表达原则和理论. 他们运用代数知识, 几何, 和三角 to understand and gain access to the power of physics.